A court will look at how Edward Phillip, who resigned with his government as part of Macron's changes to his administration, dealt with the outbreak of the virus. The former health minister and his replacement are also facing the same charges. 29,875 people have died from Corona in the country so far

The French court will investigate how former Prime Minister Edward Philip and two cabinet members handled the Corona crisis. Senior prosecutor Francois Mullins said on Friday that the investigation would be led by the "Republican Law Court," which is in charge of examining improper government behavior.

Alongside Philip, who was replaced yesterday as the first step in a series of changes to be made to the government, former health minister Agnes Bozin, who resigned in February following an unsuccessful attempt to run for mayor of Paris, will be questioned. And Ran was the health minister at the height of the crisis. It is still unclear whether he will continue his post after the series of changes that are expected to be completed in the coming days.

The court received 90 complaints and examined 53 of them. He considered nine of the complaints admissible and would form the basis of the investigation. The complaints were filed by private individuals, doctors, associations and even prisoners. The investigation will look into whether Philip, Bozin and Warren were negligent in their role as they faced the crisis.

The corona eruption has killed 29,875 people in France so far, sparking outrage against the government for the lack of protective equipment in the early stages of the epidemic.

Source: International News Agencies

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