It is not strange for the heads of Arab countries to own some bars and suspicious places and run them through people who work for them indirectly. These bars are usually inside any Arab country that allows this, whether secretly or openly, with a license from the government.

Today, in this report, we show you photos from inside bars owned directly by high-ranking personalities in Arab countries, especially those who deal in women's trade.

In a similar report that came from one of the streets of Arab capitals, it was surprising that the report was based only on the presence of huge numbers of bars, especially those that work day and night without stopping, and it is worth mentioning that those who work in these bars are also people working in public relations or trade. , but the full funding comes from various sources, through personalities close to the ruling authorities and for this reason none of the people who work in prestigious positions or the operators can reveal the identity of the source of the money that is pumped into bars and discotheques.

For the sake of privacy, we did not mention in this report the names of the Arab countries or any capital that belongs to it, and this is one of the ethics of publishing, because the article is sensitive and is the first of its kind that officially addresses this topic.

Arab newspapers played a major role when they published scandals of high-ranking personalities located in sensitive centers in the state. These newspapers were able to accurately describe corruption, but these newspapers disappeared or no longer publish articles or reports from this aspect, scandals have become It is normal, as social networking sites have also played a major role in spreading scandals recently, and with the spread of pages and groups, opinions have conflicted and there are supporters and opponents of publishing such reports.

Some of the images of the bars - Image source from Google Images 

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